Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

it is called jones?

heeeeeeeeeeey sexy ledeeeeey

hmm.. yap bisa ketebak dari judulnya apa it is called jones? since we broke up. i found someone new yet, you know lah sometimes people need more attention in different way

single is fine, but when i see a romantic couple i got envy, theres no one right next to me, if you judge me i'm too over is up to you, everybody is different, if you a couple seeing this post is like you'll judge me like that cause what?! you have yours beside you,so you dont feel alone. Me? not yet-,-grrrrrrr so dont judge too fast

just repeat : sometimes people need more attantion in different way.
if you tenet single till you maried, peoples should give you applause

whats more? im feelin so lonely, my cellphone is not always ringing like taken, theres people said " dont love if you lonely, but love when you ready " see? i am lonely and im ready, cause im moved from him. dig it. i think teenage think is same as me? because i am teenage._.

hey this is crawwwwwwzy like what happened? like i look so cheap? NO im NOT. i choose, i dont mind to accept every shot. take it.

my friend said " lo cantik dhe, lo pinter, baik, semua cowok juga maybe berfikiran gitu, mungkin karna ada sesuatu aja yg bikin mereka engga chase on you " its Mauli said. actually ga gitu juga smsnya tapi intinya gitu, motivasi juga lah{}:*

nah intinya sih jalanin aja apa yg ada, semua ada rencananya,tapiiii kapan yaa? wkwkwkwjwjwjwkwkwkwk haftt-,-

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