Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

it is called jones?

heeeeeeeeeeey sexy ledeeeeey

hmm.. yap bisa ketebak dari judulnya apa it is called jones? since we broke up. i found someone new yet, you know lah sometimes people need more attention in different way

single is fine, but when i see a romantic couple i got envy, theres no one right next to me, if you judge me i'm too over is up to you, everybody is different, if you a couple seeing this post is like you'll judge me like that cause what?! you have yours beside you,so you dont feel alone. Me? not yet-,-grrrrrrr so dont judge too fast

just repeat : sometimes people need more attantion in different way.
if you tenet single till you maried, peoples should give you applause

whats more? im feelin so lonely, my cellphone is not always ringing like taken, theres people said " dont love if you lonely, but love when you ready " see? i am lonely and im ready, cause im moved from him. dig it. i think teenage think is same as me? because i am teenage._.

hey this is crawwwwwwzy like what happened? like i look so cheap? NO im NOT. i choose, i dont mind to accept every shot. take it.

my friend said " lo cantik dhe, lo pinter, baik, semua cowok juga maybe berfikiran gitu, mungkin karna ada sesuatu aja yg bikin mereka engga chase on you " its Mauli said. actually ga gitu juga smsnya tapi intinya gitu, motivasi juga lah{}:*

nah intinya sih jalanin aja apa yg ada, semua ada rencananya,tapiiii kapan yaa? wkwkwkwjwjwjwkwkwkwk haftt-,-

Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Pop – ul – er

Atau dalam bahasa inggrisnya popular kalo di dalemin tuh artinya banyak banget, Waktu gue misahin katakata ini, entah kenapa gue nemuin aja kata sambungannya.

Pop = ur gonna rock, expresive, chillout, banyak temen, supel,  dan segala macem as you know tanpa gue jelasin panjang lebar.

Ul = dari kata ini tuh, kaya u’ll be something WOW, if you part of this you’ll be WOW or something like that, you’ll be wild, chillout, yaah nikmatin dunia..

Er = like bigger, stronger, dalam arti “ lebih “ / “ more “ lo pasti tau artinya lah, serba yang lebih, lebih fashion, lebih dapet muka, lebih.... yaah everything as you know

Populer/ popular =  terkenal, dikenal
Biasanya lebih dikenal anak gaul
In Indonesian means anak shuffle, anak clubbing / hajar, anak tongkrongan, anak mall, bullying, mess up, etc

Yah, lo tau lah arti dalem semua ini, ada yang lagi ngerasain, ada yang per-nah sem-pet ngerasain, ada yang ga pernah ngerasain. Mau ngerasain atau engga, semuanya ada hikmahnya, let see..

Anak populer a.k.a  gaul, mreka punya banyak temen, seru, fun, everything bout life, kumpul bareng temen, bercanda, share, cak2an just for fun, bullying, itu asik.. banget.
Dark sidenya, cak2an kalo orangnya ga tersinggung sih ga masalah, kalo yang tersinggung? Semua orang beda2. Bullying, memang untuk orang yang melakukannya sih ga masalah ya, asik banget, nah kalo yang kena bullying? Maybe kalo yang Cuma bercanda dan dia ga tersinggung ya gamasalah , nah kalo bullyingnya yang serius, itusih udah dipastiin ngelanggar batas bercanda.

pamer, meraka semua nunjukin kebolehannya, pamer gadget, pamer fashion, pamer. segala macem, gue cuma mau bilang sih, itu harta orang tua lo, kasian, kalo ujungnya buat di pamerin tapi bukan hasil dari keringet lo sendiri. kalo mau pamer kepinteran yaa lo ajarin aja mereka yang gabisa, toh lebih bijak dalam mensyukuri ability yang kita punya.

well, kadang gue ngeliat sifat mereka tuh kaya virus, artinya yaaa.. sifat mereka yang gamau kalah, or, ngebacot segala macem, gampang bosenan, moodynya terlalu, gamau tauan, gamau bergaul sama yang unpopular, heboh, dan segala macemnya. ya liat aja dalam satu kelompok itu sifatnya jadi sama semua , kadang ada yang ga tega, tapi mereka tetep ngikut arus itu karna gamau di tinggal.

kalo masalah pacar? mereka gampang gonta-ganti pacar, yaa karna pemikirannya pasti " masih banyak cowok/cewek diluar " lagian mereka rata2 make jaringan chat yang murah dan hampir semua orang di Indonesia punya *gamau nyebutin merk* yaah gampang aja buat mereka. tapi masalahnya kalo udah sayang banget gimana?-_- yaah tinggal tunggu kapan bisa move onnya hahaha. tapi sifat bosenan dari sebagian cowo gaul ya gitu.. gampang bosenan dengan alesan " masih pacaran ini, nyari pilihan boleh dong? kalo udah fix, ya baru nikah haha " itulah-_- simple sih, tapi.. kok gue rada gondok ya? hftt hahaha

well, i think i stand in between of this, cause i dont know what should i choose to make my self comfort in two kind of those zone,  really dont know, somehow, to be a popular is so far from God, you really know what i mean, it make me scared of this. to be a unpopular is like theres no experience, adrenalin, young. i know it false, but i'm still labile, i'm 15th! is like those adrenalin in my body is hot! omg-_- but i dont really want to enter the hell-_- OH MY GOOOOOOD what i should i dooo? masuk pesantren? jauh dari pergaulan? hm...................... i dont enough already, really.. Thinking that my life should be balence? hm.. well.. the sounds good, maybe after married i'll be hijab, hope that my future husban really support me.

hikmahnya dari ini, kita jalanin hidup dengan cara kita sendiri, kita yang nentuin pilihannya sendiri, bergaul, banyakin temen, cari pengalaman, kan lumayan nyeritain ke anak/cucu, intinya Bener atau Engganya kehidupan lo tergantung diri lo sendiri. Karna hidup adalah pilihan.

hey its my opinion, and i just try to find my advice, if you dont like it, think the best for you, what you should do to make yourself in piece, and i just wanna say, you have God, he is made you, you must be deserve him, so the point is, your life, your choice. everything comebacks to you.

advices me? so call me maybe~

Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

One day

One day
I have piece of mine, my soul, my heart, my bone, my light, my cheers, my hope, my destiny And were never gonna diforce like whatevs they're called, we'll stand for it, for our children, for our future, we belong together, forever. We are never getting break, getting tired, getting bored, there is never the other people who will broke up our relationship. Never. God.. Let me have a happly ever after relationship for my future. You know me so well that i hate the people who will destroy a relationship.. You know me so well God.. You know that i feel so lonely.. You know it.. You really know it:'(

You know my love life isnt kind of well. Always pain. Always sacrificed. God.. What should i do to keep conscious, you know that i almost depresed with all of this, this head like wanna expload. I dont wanna be alone, really dont. I just dont know who to share it. Think theres no one interested about me:' its true? I think its not. Badly voice. I need someone to keep me save, warm, concious, love me because who i am, dan gaada orang ketiga, keempat dan seterusnya. Amin.