Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

benci di suruh2

Gatau kenapa gue benci banget yang namanya disuruh2, benciiii banget, keliatan gue jadi babu? Ogah!
Gue mikir aja.emang mereka gapunya tangan untuk melakukannya? atau terlalu sibuk?, yang jelas tergantung moment. Gue bukan tipikal anak manja yang minta2, ngerayu, untuk sesuatu yang ga berguna buat gue. Tapi setidaknya. Gue lebih suka ngerjain dengan tangan gue sendiri, bukan karna egois, tapi gue gasuka pekerjaan gue terlalu banyak ikut campur tangan orang and thats make a brand me, so people know made by me. Exept, math exercise maybe.

Apa yang harus gue kerjain sebenernya udah kecantum sama otak gue, tanpa perlu dikasih tau orang yang sok2an tau segalanya. Dan gue benci itu! Does your life too long baby boy? so make you too see old. Jangan mikir kolot deh, yang namanya anak muda juga ngerti, tanpa perlu dikasih tau clue too spesific, yeah execpt some people.

Maybe, im a leader B). i cant do something as i wont. Exept, the quest from the other older than me. I can get it, but if it too often, I dont want. EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes i wondering that an capricorn as like me as a leader ( re: goat ) leading some other animal, i just cant think about it haha. And about the people... actually Leo. I think i can handle them, but i hate the way they have stonehead that they ever get. Sassy and classic as Leo-_- yeah we all know the lion is too ideal as a leader. But i dont think so, everyone can do that. With the one who have the skill.

Akh! the point is, i can help you, but dont be so lazy to get over what you want from helper, just do it yourself. Yeah if youre not a grandma and pa is probably should get some help. Old man like them are so.. yeah.. sometimes annoying. But its about the sacrifice that we got since we born ( re : our parents )

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